Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gotta Set Your Goals

Students will focus on the following goals in an introductory creative writing class:

1. Develop your ability to deconstruct and analyze a close reading of any text.
2. Develop your ability to write long captivating complex sentence structure, opening and ending and descriptive sensory. (Students are expected to know the grammar rules before breaking them.)
3. Develop your ability to adapt the techniques you studied in our reading and experiment them with your own creative work.
4. Develop your ability to think small when beginning to write a piece
5. Develop your ability to use music as a tool to express your emotions and feelings onto the page

As for number one, I would use the word “See” to introduce as a writing lesson to students to the process of dissecting close reading. And as for number five, it is a tentative goal: I want to see if students can transform their energy (whether negative or positive) into words by listening to music.

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